Remedial Classes
Remedial Classes are organized for students with a view to improve academic skills of the students in various courses. After the examination results, departments pin down the subjects in which students need the guidance most and academically week students are identified on the basis of their performance in end term exams, MST, Assignments and tests. Accordingly, remedial sessions are conducted subject wise to develop specific competencies of the students that may contribute to their academic and professional success. The classes are usually conducted before or after regular class hours without disturbing regular instructional hours. The schedule and timetable of remedial classes is prepared department wise. Simplified notes and solved previous year question papers are provided to the students. Students are made to practice more for numeric courses. Institute does not charge any fee for it from the students.
To help student to clear his doubts and enhance academic skills.
To make students pass the course.
The student will be able to explain/demonstrate concepts